The Number One Anti-Aging Beverage, According to Dietitians

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This beverage has a wide variety of positive effects on one’s health.

The natural process of aging is something that everyone goes through. Therefore there is no reason to feel ashamed about going through it. And even though there is no point in attempting to stop it from happening, it is perfectly OK for you to look into finding healthy strategies to slow down the process.

For instance, the Mayo Clinic adds that some activities, such as working out, getting enough restful sleep, reducing stress, and eating a good diet, can help slow down the aging process. In addition, if you are seeking for particular foods or beverages that can be of assistance, we have you covered there as well.

A traditional cup of green tea may be one of the most effective beverages for delaying the onset of old age, as stated by Courtney D’Angelo, MS, RD, an author at Go Wellness.

Keep reading to find out why D’Angelo thinks green tea is the greatest, and if you want more information about how to stay healthy as you get older, be sure to check out our article on The Best Foods to Slow Aging After 50.

Research has shown that drinking green tea can increase metabolic rate, lower the incidence of some cancers, and improve cognitive health. As a result, it may be considered one of the healthiest beverages available everywhere in the world. In addition, green tea can help slow down the aging process, as if its already impressive list of advantages wasn’t enough to convince you that it’s worth drinking.

According to D’Angelo, “green tea is packed with antioxidants, which have numerous health benefits including promoting the immune system (preventing illness), reducing inflammation, and stimulating collagen production, which is helpful in making the skin look younger.” Green tea also contains polyphenols, which are also known as “super antioxidants.”

Superior Levels of Antioxidants Compared to Other Teas

Dried green tea. On the black chalkboard

Green tea is known to have high levels of a particular sort of antioxidant known as polyphenols. Polyphenols are found in many different plant substances. They are known to assist in the battle against a variety of ailments, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

A review that was recently published in the journal Nutrients found that green tea contains the highest level of polyphenols of any other type of tea, with approximately 30 percent of the tea being composed of polyphenol antioxidants.

If you’re looking for the most health advantages of tea, green tea is your best option.

Are There Any Potential Drawbacks Associated with Drinking Green Tea?

Still-life of japanese healthy green tea in a small cups and teapot over dark background

The use of green tea has been shown to offer a number of anti-aging benefits; nevertheless, it is possible to drink too much of a good thing. D’Angelo issues the following caution: “you may not want to drink too much green tea because there’s caffeine in it, and too much caffeine brings in all the negative side effects associated with it.”

For instance, if you are prone to anxiety or have jitters, consuming an excessive amount of caffeine might make related symptoms worse. Because of this, it is essential to regulate the amount of caffeine you consume when drinking green tea.

As a point of comparison, the amount of caffeine in an 8-ounce cup of coffee is approximately 96 milligrams, but the amount of caffeine in an 8-ounce cup of green tea is only 28 grams. If you consume coffee on a regular basis, the caffeine in green tea might not have as much of an effect on you.

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