According to Dietitians, You Should Avoid These Drinking Habits If You Don’t Want Visceral Fat

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These behaviors can subtly cause an increase in the “harmful” type of fat that is stored in the abdominal region.

There is a good chance that you are familiar with visceral fat and the adverse effects that it can have. The reason for this is that it is considered the “dangerous” type of fat. It has been shown that if a person carries around excess amounts of it, it may increase their risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

According to Ronald Smith, RD, “the most dangerous type of fat is visceral fat because it is the kind that accumulates around your internal organs and causes metabolic dysfunction.” “The most dangerous type of fat is visceral fat because it is the kind that causes metabolic dysfunction.”

Even though reducing visceral fat requires making adjustments to one’s lifestyle, diet, and level of physical activity, particular eating and drinking habits can either help or hurt one’s progress in attempting to do so.

Drinking Soda Regularly

Glass of cola, ice and straws on black smokey background.

When it comes to cutting calories and losing weight, soda is one of the most challenging beverages to give up, particularly if your goal is to reduce visceral fat. According to Smith, “These are a major source of calories in many people’s diets, and they typically contain large amounts of sugar which can cause weight gain if consumed in excess,”

According to the findings of a study that was published in the Journal of Nutrition, people who consumed soda on a regular basis had a more significant amount of visceral fat on their bodies. So, according to Smith, if you want to reduce the amount of soft drinks you consume, the best thing you can do is replace regular sodas with water, tea, or coffee.

Drinking Alcohol

Strong alcohol drinks, hard liquors, spirits and distillates iset in glasses and bottles: cognac, scotch, whiskey and other. White background

A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that drinking alcohol on a daily basis was associated with an increase in visceral and abdominal fat.

According to Smith, one of the worst things you can do to create visceral fat is drink alcohol. Drinking alcohol is due to the fact that alcohol contains ingredients called congeners, which cause your body to store more fat around your organs, thereby accelerating the process of gaining weight around your middle.

Sugary Juices

Beautiful woman standing by a windows blind drinking orange juice

According to Smith, excessive consumption of juice beverages can lead to weight gain. “Drinking juice beverages can contribute to weight gain if consumed in excess,” since many pre-made juice beverages available for purchase contain additional sugars, such as high fructose corn syrup.

If you’re trying to get rid of visceral fat, Harvard Health Publishing recommends that you steer clear of things like refined carbohydrates, white bread, and sugary beverages. This is especially true if you’re trying to lose weight.

Combining Alcoholic Beverages and Energy Drinks

Drinking alcohol while simultaneously consuming an energy drink is a sneaky way to contribute to weight gain, and you might not even be aware that you are doing it.

“Red Bull may give you wings, but it’s a sugar bomb loaded with empty calories,” says Smith. “In fact, a study found that adding an energy drink to your beer boosted the number of calories by 10 percent, and participants didn’t compensate by eating fewer calories later in the day or the next morning.” says Smith.

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